
We have blog posts on various topics ranging from semantic enrichment to autonomous driving—and everything in between. Some posts have embedded videos, others are a quick read. Enjoy the browse.

A Computer vision Tomato Pest Assessment and Prediction tool – ICLR 2020
July 25, 2020
Optimal transformer depth for low-resource language translation – ICLR 2020
July 25, 2020
Join AI4D, Mozilla, and GIZ’s FAIR Forward initiative for a webinar with the Lacuna Fund Secretariat
July 22, 2020
Towards Neural Machine Translation for Edoid Languages – ICLR 2020
July 6, 2020
African LanguagesNatural Language Processing
Masakhane Machine Translation for Africa – ICLR 2020
July 6, 2020
Unsupervised Pidgin Text Generation by Pivoting English Data and Self – Training – ICLR 2020
July 6, 2020
New podcast by Wale Akinfaderin on AI used to make parliamentary documents more available to average Nigerians
June 26, 2020
GovernancePodcastwest africa
Olubayo Adekanmbi from MTN and Data Science Nigeria on how AI ecosystems are created
April 20, 2020
AI CommunityInterview
Building a Medicinal Plant Database for Facilitating the Exploitation of Local Ethnopharmacological Knowledge
April 20, 2020
ActivitiesHealthMachine Learning
Preservation of Indigenous Languages
April 20, 2020
ActivitiesInclusionIndigenous languages
A Computer Vision Tomato Pest Assessment and Prediction Tool
April 13, 2020
End-to-End Learning for Autonomous Driving on Unpaved Roads – A Study Towards Automated Wildlife Patrol
April 13, 2020
ActivitiesEast AfricaInnovation